Explosive increase of followers with the arrival of Instagram Explorer in 2022

Login to Instagram Explorer
Login to Instagram Explorer

If you are trying to get more posts from your page, but you are unsuccessful, I will tell you a good trick in this article, dear friends, so that after a few days, your post will be in Explorer as well.

What is Instagram Explorer?

Explore Instagram (or Explore Instagram!) Is a page that will show you posts from pages around the world of Instagram ( whether you have followed them or not ). These posts are selected based on your previous activities and follow the algorithms embedded to track your activity on Instagram; It can be said to be the most honest place in the world of internet . Of course, this algorithm depends not only on your performance, but also on the activity of your friends.

Instagram Explorer
Instagram Explorer

To access the Explorer section, open the Instagram app. You will see several icons at the bottom of the page. The icon, which is in the shape of a magnifying glass and is located between the two icons of the house and the + sign , is the same part of Instagram Explorer.

Instagram Explorer is not something you want to enable or disable!

Many people either take money from others or hack their page in the name of activating Explorer, beware of such people.Instagram Explorer is neither deleted nor locked!

Why should you delete fake Instagram followers faster?

Let’s talk a little bit about the benefits of removing fake followers on Instagram. If you want to grow faster and increase your real followers, you must first remove the fake, inactive and inactive followers of your page. This is the most important reason to delete your fake Instagram followers faster.

Robot link: Buy a fake follower removal robot

One of the great ways to increase your real Instagram followers, which is now very much in the stock market, is to enter Explorer. By entering your posts in Explorer, you will experience significant growth in terms of increasing followers. Joining Explorer is a targeted but completely free ad that many Instagram pages have benefited from.

Instagram follower fake
Instagram follower fake

One of the most important factors in entering Explorer from the point of view of Instagram algorithm is the amount of interaction of the whole page’s followers with the published posts. For example, if a page has 10,000 followers, it should get 100 likes and 50 comments in the first 15 minutes of posting. This is normal! If the interaction is double, for example, the entry of the post in Explorer is inevitable.

But suppose Page has 10 followers and 8 of them are fake or inactive for any reason. In this case, the published post will be displayed to only 2,000 people, and this will cause the interaction rate on that page to be extremely low.

Excellent page engagement rate
Excellent page engagement rate

This will cause you to advertise in the hope that real and new followers will enter your page and think that everything will be fine, this is not the case at all! First of all, you have to delete your fake followers and then try to attract new real followers.I suggest you watch this video: 

How does the Instagram Explorer algorithm work? | The best explanation in 2022

How does the Instagram Explorer algorithm work?

Instagram algorithm is evolving day by day and becoming more intelligent and its features are being added. As I said before, Instagram takes into account your interests based on the reactions you get to the posts you see on the day.

Of course, this is not to say that the content you see in Instagram Explorer is solely your interest! Yes, it may be the interests of your friends (those who followed and followed you).

That’s why you may see posts in your Explorer that you do not like and because your followers like them will be displayed to you.

How to delete Instagram Explorer?

Maybe you are also thinking of deleting Instagram Explorer or you want to delete your Instagram Explorer. One of the reasons is that it wastes your time or its crowded content is annoying to you. That’s why you are thinking of closing your Instagram Explorer.

Instagram Explorer is neither deleted nor locked! But you can change the content and the posts you see in it to your liking. In this case, it will no longer be annoying for you. Here’s how to clear your Instagram Explorer.

How to change Instagram Explorer?

Maybe you are also looking for the question of how to clear Instagram Explorer or how to reset Instagram Explorer? There is no button that you can use to change the content of your Instagram Explorer, but there are solutions that if you use them, you can change your Instagram Explorer in a short time.

The first thing you need to do to manage Instagram Explorer is to open the posts you see in Instagram Explorer that you do not like, and click Not interested In This Post from the top three dots on the right. Just like the image below:

Change Instagram Explorer
Change Instagram Explorer

The second thing to do to change the suggested Instagram posts in your Explorer is to see more of the posts you are interested in and interact with them. When you see a post that you do not like, go through it quickly and on the contrary, be sure to like and save the posts that you like. By doing this, after a short time, the content of your explorer will be according to your taste.

What are the benefits of Instagram Explorer?

In general, if your posts enter Instagram Explorer

  • Your target audience will engage with your page more
  • Your posts are seen as much as possible
  • It will increase your follower page and make your brand stronger
  • If you have products and services for sale, your sales will definitely increase in a strange way.

One of the most important benefits of joining Instagram Explorer is the need to pay a fee to attract followers. Because as soon as they enter Explorer, their followers increase day by day at no cost.

How to enter Instagram Explorer?

How to enter Instagram Explorer?
How to enter Instagram Explorer?

Well, let’s go to the main point, which is to enter Instagram Explorer and increase free and real followers! So far I have talked more about the margins of Explorer, but now it’s time to answer the important and frequently asked question of what to do with my post in Explorer until a huge flood of target audiences enter Pajem.

You might say to yourself that the posts seen in Explorer are quite by chance and there are no specific criteria for doing so. Some people believe that very large pages that have a lot of followers and are old have a better chance of entering Explorer. If not at all! It is neither a chance nor related to the age and credibility of the page. So what is the story? The story is that the Instagram algorithm is not what you think it is.

I have already talked about the Instagram algorithm and how to arrange content within Explorer for the audience. But now I’m going to talk about the Instagram Explorer login algorithm for business pages and those who like their posts to explore. So stay with me.

Optimizing Instagram Explorer

First of all, you need to optimize your Instagram Explorer account. I mean your business account or work account. (Do whatever you want in your personal account) Your Instagram Explorer should show you posts that are exactly what your page’s area of ​​work is. This is the first and most important point before entering Explorer.

The reason is that Instagram realizes your field of activity and the chances of your posts entering Explorer also increase.

Earlier in this article, I talked about how to clear and change the content of posts in Explorer, and I told you two good and short-term solutions that you must use.

Attractive title and cover The main secret of entering Explorer

I forgot to tell you this. All posts enter Explorer by default, but not all of them are permanent! So what does this mean? This means that every post that is published on Instagram can also be seen in Explorer, but if it is not attractive, it will leave Explorer quickly.

Instagram algorithm shows posts when published to multiple people in Explorer. If reactions to that post were low, it would not show up in other people’s Explorer at all.

One of the most important factors that can make your posts last in Explorer is choosing an attractive title and cover for the post. If you pay attention to the posts in your Explorer right now, at least 70% of your Explorer content consists of posts with attractive titles (yellow, of course).

Login to Explorer via hashtag

As you know, hashtags are used to search for a specific topic on Instagram. For example, if you want to view car-related content, you should use the hashtag #car or similar examples.

If you use related hashtags in your posts, you will be taken to the relevant hashtag search page. This will increase the number of page views followed by page interaction. This method can have a great impact on your posts going to Instagram Explorer.

Note that excessive use of hashtags or unrelated hashtags can impose restrictions on Instagram.Related article: 

What is a hashtag and how to use it?

The best time to post

Uploading posts during the best hours of posting will increase the engagement rate. Because by posting while your audience is online, you will receive more likes, comments, Save and Share. Since these factors are among the criteria for measuring the interaction rate, increasing them is equal to increasing the interaction rate!

Publish posts that can be saved

One of the most important criteria for Instagram to win posts in Instagram Explorer is the number of saves. If your post gets a lot of saves in a short period of time after its publication, the probability of your post entering Explorer is greatly increased.

Try to use posts that people have to save. For example, if you are teaching cooking, try to tell the recipe in just one slide and so fast that your audience will have to see it several times to understand it. That’s why they have to save it so they can see it again when needed.

One of the best models of posts on Instagram, which also gets a high save, is checklist posts or multi-step training. If you want your posts to be saved a lot, be sure to use this post model.

Finally, ask your audience to save your post. According to research, asking your audience increases the likelihood that they will do what you want them to do by up to 30%.

Publish comment posts

The number of comments is as important as the previous one, ie post storage. It is safe to say that if the number of saves and comments on a post is higher than the usual number, your post will not be rejected by Explorer!

Try to publish posts that make people more eager to post comments. For example, do not complete your post and at the end ask your audience to tell them more. For example, tell you about 5 Instagram tricks and ask your audience to leave 2 more in the comments.

Or ask exactly as before. Of course, because the comment is seen by other people, people are less willing to comment. This method no longer works.

Use trend images in the cover of your post

One way to get into Instagram Explorer is to use pictures of famous and trendy people in the cover of your post. For example, suppose that now Mr. Mehran Modiri is much more trendy and the news about him is very much in cyberspace.

For example, if you open Explorer, half of the posts are about Mehran Modiri. For this reason, Instagram has recognized the face of Mehran Modiri as a famous and trendy person. The important point is right here! If you publish a post related to Mehran Modiri and put a photo of him on the cover of your post, Instagram thinks that your post is also one of the most popular posts and sends it to Explorer without having much interaction. This is the secret of entering Explorer that no one will tell you!

Raise the pause on your posts

One of the most important factors for your posts to enter Instagram Explorer is stopping viewers on your posts. You need to make sure your audience (whether your followers or those coming from Explorer) stops at your posts. For example, watch your video several times or at least once complete. This is extremely important for Instagram. Because Instagram values ​​pages that publish content to engage more people and extend their stay on Instagram.

The first video hook is extremely important. You have to shock the audience at the beginning of the video to be interested in watching the video to the end. Of course, this does not mean that you should only have hooks in the videos! It does not matter in every post model that you publish on Instagram, the first hook is very important.

Using subtitles in videos also helps a lot to make them more visible. Having subtitles in videos allows the subconscious audience to sit with the subtitle to watch the full video.

The next trick to stop focusing more on content is to run a contest. Hold interaction-enhancing contests. For example, design the theme of the contest so that the user has to watch your video several times. For example, you can mention that the answer to the contest is explained in slides 3 and 4. Now, if the quiz question is a bit deviant, users will have to see slides 3 and 4 several times, and this will increase the retention of users on your post.Tutorial video: 

Tutorial video How to enter Instagram Explorer? | The most amazing way

5 tips to enter Instagram Explorer

1) Publish content when your followers are online

This is number one, because it is the simplest of all. Instagram algorithm still shows new posts to your followers.

Interacting with your followers is the first step to joining Instagram Explorer.

Check Instagram Analytics and see the best time to publish content based on the onlineness of your followers.

Instagram Analysis to enter Instagram Explorer
Instagram Analysis to enter Instagram Explorer

Important Note: If your followers are online at a time when you are not, schedule your content to be published at that time.

2) Learn from highly interactive posts in Explorer

If you are looking for accounts related to your field of work; You have definitely seen the best example of them in Explorer.

By looking closely at their performance, you will see what your future audience wants to see.

Although likes are no longer displayed in some countries, high-interaction posts can still be identified. For example, if you see a post in Explorer that you have no interest in or have in common with you; Make sure it has high likes.

3) Pay special attention to analysis

Take a look at what you are currently doing that appeals to your audience.

See if they like your photos or your videos more?

Do you prefer entertaining or educational content?

If you can persuade your audience to like and comment on your posts, their interaction will help you navigate Instagram Explorer.

4) Publish compelling stories to convince your audience

Not all Explore users will see the story yet, but it will happen soon.

So be prepared for that. But how?”Instagram algorithm has certain preferences for putting stories in Explorer,” said Will Ruben, Instagram product manager.

The most important parameter for publishing a story on Instagram is the interest of users based on the stories they have seen from their followers.

But the algorithm also prioritizes the following:

• the video. They are more visible because they are automatically distributed in Explorer. But quality is still important. A great photo works better than mediocre video.

Stories with striking images and less text

• Stories that are close to the usual content of your page

5) Broadcast long videos (IGTV)

IGTV has its own space. (Top right of Explorer) IGTV is still not as popular on Instagram as it is a story. But Instagram has invested heavily in this sector and is turning it into one of its most important capabilities.

Some important questions about Instagram Explorer

How do I know I went to Explorer?

From the Insight section of the post, you can find out whether your post has gone to Explorer or not. In this section, there is a section called Explore that if your post is entered in Explorer, it writes the number of entries.

Instagram Explorer
Instagram Explorer

What should I do with my post in Explorer?

Exactly follow the tips in this article about getting posts into Explorer.

  • Why don’t I die in Explorer?

The reason why many posts do not explore or they do not receive input from Explorer is that they are not attractive.

  • What is the secret to entering Instagram Explorer?

The main secret of getting posts into Explorer is that you need to increase engagement with your audience. In addition to this
, the attractiveness of the post also makes your post enter Explorer and stay there.

  • Is it good to buy a package or go to Instagram Explorer?

Do not try to circumvent the Instagram algorithm in any way. These methods may work in the short term, but they
are by no means sustainable. Because the Instagram algorithm is constantly evolving and becoming smarter.

  • What should be the number of likes to go to Explorer?

The number of likes of the post is not a criterion for going to Instagram Explorer! The important thing is the number of saves and comments of the post, which
should be high in the short time that the post is published.


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